Personal Loans
You might want to go on holiday, buy new furniture, pay for a course or medical expenses, or even plan your wedding. A personal loan may be a good way to get the extra funds you need.

One of the key questions you need to ask yourself before you take out a personal loan is whether you'll go secured or unsecured. Even though you could probably get more money and a lower interest rate with a secured loan, you need to weigh up the risk of having an asset as security.
We will talk you through the options and, based on your financial situation and needs, recommend competitive loan options for you. We can help you find out how much you can borrow and understand your repayments.
Secured loans
Secured loans generally offer lower interest rates than unsecured loans, but you must put up something for collateral, like your house, your car or your boat. If you don't pay off the loan, you can lose that collateral, so make sure you know all the conditions before you choose a secured loan.
Unsecured loans
Unsecured loans are commonly known as 'signature' loans – the lender will approve the funds with just your signature, but you might end up paying higher interest for the privilege.
We compare and negotiate competitive interest rates.
We have access to NZ's widest panel of banks and lenders.
We can help you tap into your KiwiSaver.
We're the largest group of Mortgage Advisers in New Zealand.
How much could my personal loan repayments be?
Use this calculator to find out how much your repayments might be.
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